Music Reviews
New Music I've Listened To - Issue #001
In which I list some of the new music I’ve listened to in the last week.
In which I go through some of my favourite albums I listened to in 2022
A Review of Yig by Cryo Chamber
In which I give my thoughts on Cryo Chamber’s Lovecraft-themed collaborative album ‘Yig’.
A Review of Spirits of Rhea by Phelios
In which I give my thoughts on the space-themed ambient album ‘Spirits of Rhea’ by Phelios.
A Review of Memory Drift by State Azure
In which I give my thoughts on the excellent album Memory Drift by State Azure.
A Review of Pulsar by Archean Nights
In which I give my thoughts on Archean Night’s space-themed drone album ‘Pulsar’.
A Review of Void Peripheral by Frore
In which I give my thoughts on the ambient album Void Peripheral by Frore.