
… to my little part of the internet where I write stuff about things that take my fancy. Mostly it’s music of various electronic genres and current topics of interest to me.

This will include, but is not limited to such things as Architecture, Philosophy, Mental Health Issues, Minimalism, Design, Technology and Photography. Other random subjects may creep in from time to time.

You can find more of me on my social media accounts below (in order of most active to least).

Latest Posts


New Music I've Listened To - Issue #001

In which I list some of the new music I’ve listened to in the last week.


Rebooting My Website

In which I write about getting my old Hugo site up and running again.


New Year, New Growth 2024

In which I continue to ponder the idea of new year resolutions and having intentions to aim for instead.


Best Albums of 2022

In which I go through some of my favourite albums I listened to in 2022


Stop Counting Your Stuff

In which I get pissed of at the popular idea of counting stuff as a minimalist.


The Updated Bullet Journal Method

In which I talk about bullet journaling and how awesome and helpful it has been.


He Who Controls The Clutter...

In which I talk about controlling what we own, and not having it be the other way round…


A Review of Yig by Cryo Chamber

In which I give my thoughts on Cryo Chamber’s Lovecraft-themed collaborative album ‘Yig’.


So I Have ADHD...

In which I describe the lengthy (and occasionally expensive!) journey of discovering I have ADHD.


A Review of Spirits of Rhea by Phelios

In which I give my thoughts on the space-themed ambient album ‘Spirits of Rhea’ by Phelios.


A Review of Memory Drift by State Azure

In which I give my thoughts on the excellent album Memory Drift by State Azure.


New Year, New Growth

In which I write pondering the question: Are these New Year Resolutions? Or something else?


A Review of Pulsar by Archean Nights

In which I give my thoughts on Archean Night’s space-themed drone album ‘Pulsar’.


A Review of Void Peripheral by Frore

In which I give my thoughts on the ambient album Void Peripheral by Frore.


On Being Content.

In which I write very briefly about being content.